Job Search

Looking for a job? browse our alumni network:

Our professional development committee has so lovingly compiled an extensive spreadsheet of our alumni connections. The spreadsheet super comprehensive; simply search for the company you’re interested in applying for, and the returned results will show you exactly which alumni have worked at your company of interest.

(insert link when finished)

EC Resources

Congratulations to our newly appointed EC members! Below you can find resources that can help you acclimate to your new position!

Position Descriptions

Class Resources

Don’t know which classes to take or which professors to take a class with?

Our brothers have you covered with this Link to Class and Professor Recommendations. If you’re thinking about studying abroad, there is a section for that too!

Past Notes & handouts

Note: This is only a list of currently available notes. Please give your name, class, and professor when sending in your notes.



ACTG 12 Study Guide – based on important slides (Maglonie) - Bro. Maddie Wu


MKTG181 Notes (YUICHI) - Bro. Helena


OMIS34 Notes (Callahan) - Bro. Helena

OMIS 40 HW 1 (Bam) - Bro. Maddie Wu

OMIS 40 HW 2 (Bam) - Bro. Maddie Wu

OMIS 40 HW 3 (Bam) - Bro. Maddie Wu

OMIS 40 HW 4 (Bam) - Bro. Maddie Wu


ECON3 Midterm 2 Review (Airola) - Bro. Maddie Wu

ECON 3 Kahoot Reviews (Airola) - Bro. Maddie Wu


MGMT80 NOTES (Long Le) -Bro. Helena

MGMT 162 Case Study Collection - Bro. Micah


Contribute your notes and resources!