Seniors of Gamma Xi: Most Memorable Courses at SCU

Written by: Ursula Roscigno

With winter enrollment season just around the corner, it’s easy to get nervous about choosing the right courses for your major, selecting specific professors, and trying to snag a spot in the most wanted courses at SCU. We reached out to some of our brothers from the class of 2021 to ask them about the most memorable classes they’ve taken. Hopefully this provides you with some information as well as inspiration for your assigned registration appointments as you sit by your laptop constantly refreshing your eCampus. Happy hunting!


“I really enjoyed Business Law. I think it is super fundamental to understand all of the legal terminology related to businesses, transactions, contracts, and other procedures in the workplace. Professor Mike Dana did a great job of explaining the topics as well as testing our true understanding of the principals rather than just testing our ability to memorize. I liked working through the case study assignments and applying my new knowledge to a variety of business issues.”

-Jordan Wojnicki, AIS


“FNCE 130 – Financial Ethics – Prof. Donald Davis

To be totally honest, I found this class fairly boring. HOWEVER, this class teaches you about specific issues that are extremely important if you are looking to work in the finance industry. Specifically, if you are looking at wealth management or are hoping to deal in securities, you are going to need certifications (CFA, CFP, AWMA, etc.) This class gives you some base knowledge that you will need to know anyway. I was also able to talk about specifics learned in this class when I was interviewing and interviewers love ethical candidates, so don’t wait!

ENGL 74 – New Forms of Creative Writing – Prof. Miah Jeffra

A new class, this course has almost no bearing on business, but if you have room in your schedule and are looking for an outlet of creativity, ENGL 74 engages issues of race, sexuality, and social justice through poetry, lyric, narrative, memoir, and many other forms.”

-Noah Funk, Finance


“Econ: Sports Economics was by far the best economics course if not best course I took at SCU. Instead of looking at abstract models we analyzed models through the lens of sports and focused on a lot of game theory topics.

Finance: Financial Modeling would be the best one. Instead of doing time value of money for the 1000th time like every other finance class, we focused on building more complex financial models that appear in many interviews. The projects were tied to analyzing companies in real time and making investment decisions. Very cool stuff.”

-James Clelland, Economics and Finance


“MGMT 6 (Ethics in Business)

Delta Sigma Pi has allowed me to take memorable classes with some of the best professors in the business school. One seminar that stood out, in particular, was Ethics in Business, posing questions to students about ethical business practices in Silicon Valley and the larger United States. Through class discussions, philosophical teachings, and live speakers, I was able to create a framework in my mind about ethical decision-making daily, as well as reaffirm my morals surrounding more significant issues of justice, equality, and leadership.”

-Makenna Mitchell, Economics


“One of my favorite classes at SCU was OMIS 109, with Professor Tao Li. OMIS 109 covers prescriptive analytics for businesses and helps students develop their logical thinking as well as ability to use programs such as Excel Solver and Gurobi, a Python package for linear programming. I really enjoyed the problem solving nature of this class and the challenge it presented, as well as the excellent instruction from Professor Li.

For the non-business course: CSCI 60, Objected-Oriented Programming was one of the most rigorous courses I’ve taken at SCU, with a demanding curriculum and lab that challenges students every week. In this class you get to learn everything about programming in C++, the theory behind memory management, and have the chance to work on new projects every week that feel rewarding to complete.”

-Kyle Schryver, MIS


“MKTG 175

Social media marketing is a great introduction to the world of marketing we live in today. In this call we learn all about SEO, email marketing, display ads, and even how eye-tracking data works. It is a group project based class so we have to work with a small business to create a marketing plan for them to implement.”

-Sophia Lapus, Marketing

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